# Single-select Input (with autocomplete)

Allows users to select a single value from a predefined list of options, with the ability to filter the list of options.

# Usage



# Design

For general form guidelines, view the design best practices for forms.

# Anatomy

The anatomy of the single-select component that shows the input field, the dropdown with a list of options, and the dropdown with grouped options.
  1. Input field
  2. Dropdown with list of options (default)
  3. Dropdown with grouped options

# Style

# Input field

  1. The input field inherits the same styling as the standard select input form field, with the addition of a magnifier icon to indicate the user can type to filter options.
  2. When an option is selected, the magnifier icon is replaced by a clear selection clickable icon.
The single-select input field has an editable area with a dropdown arrow to signify it can be expanded. A magnifier icon is shown to signify that the user can type to filter options. When an option is selected, there is a clear selection clickable icon instead to clear the selected option.

When active, a dropdown displays the list of options from which a user can make a selection. List options have three states with corresponding visual styling:

  1. Default (deselected) state
  2. Hover state
  3. Selected state
The single-select dropdown shows a list of options. When an option is not selected or not interacted with, there is no additional styling. When an option is focused or hovered, the background is changed to a light gray and there is a light brand left border. When an option is selected, the background is a darker gray with a dark brand left border.
Option state Text Background colour Stroke (left)
1. Default (deselected) SkyText - Gray 800 None None
2. Hover SkyText - Gray 800 Gray 100 3px - Brand at 75% opacity
3. Selected SkyText - Gray 800 Gray 200 3px - Brand
# Grouped options

Grouped options include the following:

  1. A group label in SkyText Caps, in Gray 800
  2. A divider line between groups, in Gray 300
  3. 8px of additional left padding next to options
Options that belong in the same group are shown with a left indent underneath the group title. Group titles are styled different using SkyText Caps. Groups have horizontal dividers between groups.

# Sizing

Avoid making the field full-width, if possible. Align the size of the single-select field with the width of options in the list, with some room to spare.

# Spacing

The single-select component can be used with the SkyInputContainer component to provide layout and spacing specifications when combined with other common input details like a label, description, error message, etc.

# Content

General guidelines for form fields apply.

The component has the following labels built in:

  • The aria-label for the clear selection clickable icon
  • The screen reader announcements that are built in
  • The aria-label for options when they are currently selected
  • The default content shown when no results are found

# Behaviours

# Interactions

User Interaction Description
Entering the input field When a user enters the field, the options are expanded and the focus remains on the input, ready for the user to start typing or interacting with the field. If there is an option selected already, all options are shown and the selected option is preselected when the options are expanded.
Interacting with the options When a user hovers over an option or uses the keyboard to browse the options, the visual styling of the option shows this interaction
Selecting an option A user must explicitly choose an option from the list by clicking or pressing Enter or Space on an option. When a user selects an option, the list of options is collapsed, the input has the label of the option, and the focus is kept on the input. The clear selection clickable icon is also shown when an option is selected.
Filtering and autocomplete By default, all options are shown when the list is expanded. Once a user types 1 character, the list of options will only show items that have a word starting with that character. Once a user types 2 or more characters, items that include the character combination are included. Filtering behaviour is not case sensitive.
No results If what the user types does not match any of the options, a message communicating no results found is displayed.
Grouped options Options can be displayed in groups with a label. The label for the group cannot be selected. The label of the group is not included in the filtering behaviour, but is displayed if an option within that group matches the text in the field
Clearing a selection A clear selection clickable icon is shown that will clear the selected option when pressed. This button is only shown if there is an option selected and if the field is not disabled.
Dropdown arrow When collapsed, pressing the dropdown arrow will focus on the single-select to receive typed input and expand the options. When expanded, pressing the dropdown arrow will close the options
Invalid option If a user types an invalid option, the input is cleared when the user moves away from the field (on blur)
Typing after a selection If an option is already selected and text is added to the input, the selected option is removed and the clear selection clickable icon is no longer displayed. The user will have to make a new selection.
Keyboard interactions For more information, see details in the Keyboard interactions section

# Responsive behaviours

The single-select component has the same behaviour at all breakpoints.

# Scrolling behaviour

The single-select has the following scrolling behaviour:

  • When the options are expanded, a maximum of 10 options are shown before the options are scrollable
  • When an option is selected and the options are then expanded, the selected option is scrolled into view
  • The options scroll as a user browses through the options using the keyboard
  • When options are filtered, the user is scrolled to the top of the options

# Edge cases

  • Long labels for options and groups: Options with long labels wrap as necessary and no truncation is applied
  • Long option selected: When an option with a long label is selected and shown in the field, an ellipsis is shown. When the field is in focus, the ellipsis is removed
  • Long placeholder text: When the placeholder text is long, it shows an ellipsis. When the field is in focus, the ellipsis is removed

# Accessibility

# What Skyline provides

The single-select component applies the W3C ARIA Authoring Practices Guide (APG) for the combobox pattern (opens new window) and listbox pattern (opens new window), specifically in terms of focus management, keyboard interaction, and HTML semantics and attributes. This section focuses on what has been implemented, since not all of the optional guidelines and interactions were added. Announcements have also been added to improve the experience for screen reader users.

# Focus management

When a user is interacting with the single-select, the DOM focus is kept on the input field. Assistive technology focus is managed within the list using aria-activedescendant and aria-selected attributes to ensure the options are still read out when browsing the options (see W3C ARIA APG: Managing Focus in Composites Using aria-activedescendant (opens new window) and the HTML Semantics and attributes section for more details). When the list of options is expanded, the assistive technology focus is kept within the options until an option is selected or the options are collapsed. The assistive technology focus follows the option that is preselected.

# Keyboard interactions

The following are the general keyboard interactions with the single-select:

Keyboard Interaction Description
Tab and Shift+Tab
  • The single-select can be tabbed to. Once it is focused, the options are expanded.
  • If there is a selected option, the clear selection clickable icon is shown and can be navigated to and pressed using the keyboard
  • Tabbing after the input field and the clear selection clickable icon (if present) will move the user to the next focusable element after the single-select component. The dropdown button is not tabbable since it has the same behaviour as tabbing into the input field.
Printable characters Adds text to the input field. By default, all options are shown. After characters are typed, options are filtered to match the text. See Interactions for more information about filtering.
Backspace Removes the previous character (if there is one). Filtered options are updated, if needed, to only show the options that match the text in the input.
Space If the user’s last interaction was typing a printable character, pressing space will add a space to the typed text in the input
Escape Clears the input if no option is selected and there is text in the input. Options are collapsed.
Left arrow or Right arrow Moves the text cursor within the input left and right. Typing printable characters after will be inserted in the new cursor position

The following are the keyboard interactions available when the options are expanded:

Keyboard Interaction Description
Enter Selects the preselected option (see Interactions for more details on the behaviour when an option is selected)
Space Selects the preselected option if the user’s last interaction was not typing a printable character
Escape Closes the options. If there is no option selected, the text in the input is also cleared. If an option is selected, it is not cleared unless the options are already collapsed.
Up arrow or Down arrow Moves the preselected option (and the assistive technology focus) to the previous or next option.
  • If Up arrow is pressed when the currently preselected option is the first option, the last option in the list becomes the preselected option. Likewise, if Down arrow is pressed when the last option is the preselected option, the first option becomes the new preselected option.
  • By default, there is no preselected option in the list of options and the up/down arrow interactions start from the first item. If there is already a selected option, the up/down arrow interactions start from the position of the selected option

The following are the keyboard interactions when the options are collapsed:

Keyboard Interaction Description
Enter Expands the options
Space Expands the options, assuming the user’s last interaction was not typing a printable character
Escape Clears the selected option
Up arrow Expands the options and if there is not a selected option, the last item is preselected. Otherwise, the option before the selected option is preselected
Down arrow Expands the options and if there is not a selected option, the first item is preselected. Otherwise, the option after the selected option is preselected
Printable characters Adds text to the input and expands the options. Options are filtered based on the characters typed

# HTML semantics and attributes

Implemented HTML semantics to highlight:

  • <input> is used for the element that the user interacts with to expand and filter options. It also shows the selected option.

The single-select component follows the Combobox Pattern (opens new window) with the Listbox Pattern (opens new window) for the list of options. The following attributes are used:

  • Combobox
    • role=combobox on the input element
    • aria-controls is set to the id of the listbox popup
    • aria-haspopup is set to listbox
    • aria-expanded is set to true if the options are expanded, and false if the options are collapsed
    • aria-activedescendant is set to the id of the element that is currently preselected
    • aria-autocomplete is set to list
    • aria-labelledby is set to the labelledBy prop (this should be the id of the label for the input field)
  • Listbox
    • role=listbox on the popup element that has the list of options
    • aria-labelledby is set to the labelledBy prop (this should be the id of the label for the input field)
  • Option
    • role=option defines the items in the listbox that are the options for the single-select
    • aria-selected is set to true if the option is preselected
    • aria-label is set on the option if it is the current option selected. It specifies the label and that it is selected.
  • Option Group
    • role=group identifies a group containing a label and related options
    • aria-labelledby on a group is set to the element id of the group label
  • Other
    • aria-label is set for the clear selection clickable icon
    • role=presentation and focusable=false is set on the presentational icons (the magnifier icon in the input field and the arrow icon in the dropdown)
    • tabindex=-1 and aria-hidden on the dropdown button is applied so it is not included in the tab order. This is because it is redundant since it only triggers the input field, which is the focusable element previous to the dropdown button

# Announcements

The following announcements have been added to the single-select to improve the screen reader experience:

  • When a user enters the field, instructions are announced on how to navigate and select an option using the keyboard
  • When options are filtered, the number of results available is announced along with the instructions on how to navigate and select an option
  • When an option is selected, it is announced that the option is selected
  • When a user clears the selection, it is announced that the selection was cleared

# Reduced motion

When an option is selected, there is a brief, subtle background colour animation behind the selected option in the input. If a user has a preference for reduced motion, the background colour animation is not shown.

# Development guide

For general best practices around accessibility and forms, review the Forms guidelines

# HTML semantics and attributes

  • Use SkyInputContainer with the single-select component to ensure the input field has the proper semantics and attributes with things provided by the input container like labels, descriptions, errors, etc. Refer to the Examples for code snippets of how this can be set up.
  • Ensure the props are set properly for the use case, especially the labelledBy and required props. See API for Vue Components for more details

# Code

# Examples

# Single select

# Single select with grouped options

# API for Vue components

View Type definitions for more details on the prop types.

# SkyInputSingleSelect


# Type definitions

export interface SelectOption {
  label: string
  value: string

export interface SelectOptionGroup {
  title: string
  options: SelectOption[]

# Components