# Page Title

Informs the user of where they are and provides an overview of the page content

# Usage

A page title is the highest level of page hierarchy and should be added to all pages.

The component allows the optional addition of either a page description (for admin-facing pages) or a subtitle (for end user-facing pages) if needed.

# Design

# Anatomy

Anatomy of the page title component that shows a title, a title with description, and a title with a subtitle.
  1. Title
  2. Description (optional): Use on admin-facing pages only
  3. Subtitle (optional): Use on end user-facing pages only
  4. Link: Supported in descriptions but not in subtitles

# Style

The following properties are used for page title elements:

Element Typography style Colour
Title SkyDisplay Lg Gray 800
Subtitle SkyDisplay Sm Gray 800
Description SkyText Gray 800

Links are supported in the page description and should use standard text link styling.

# Spacing

For desktop and tablet, there is an 800 spacing level above the page title component, 400 between the title and description, and 800 between the description and page content. For mobile, there is 600 spacing above the page title component, 300 between the title and description, and 600 between the description and page content.

# Component spacing

Spacing between the title and description or title and subtitle is defined within the component as 400 / 16px and will automatically adjust at the mobile breakpoint to 300 / 12px. To ensure consistency across products, do not adjust these spacing properties.

# Layout spacing

Ideally, use the page title as part of the Page component to ensure correct spacing and a consistent user experience.

Spacing Desktop and tablet Mobile
Between application header and page title component 800 / 32px 600 / 24px
Between page title component and content 800 / 32px 600 / 24px

# Placement

The page title is located after any wayfinding elements (breadcrumbs, back button) and alerts, but above all page content.

When used as part of the Page component, the page title must be placed within the page-header region.

# Alignment

The page title component is always left aligned on the page.

# Content



# Behaviours

# Responsive behaviours

# Mobile

On mobile, the spacing between the subtitle and description is 300 (12px) instead of 400 (16px).

# Tablet and desktop

The description is constrained to a maximum width of 904px.

# Edge cases

# Text wrapping

The text for the title, subtitle, and description will wrap on the page when necessary.

# Accessibility

# What Skyline provides

# HTML semantics and attributes

The page title component uses the following HTML semantics:

  • h1 for the title
  • h2 for the subtitle

# Development guide

# HTML semantics and attributes

  • Ensure that the heading hierarchy is correct when placing the page title component with other elements on a page. Heading levels should start with h1 and move down to h6 without skipping any levels.
  • Use proper HTML tags when using the description slot. For example, when a paragraph is placed in the description, use the <p> tag.

# Code

# Examples

# Page title - title, subtitle, and description

# Admin facing - title and description

# End user facing - title and subtitle

# API for Vue components

# SkyPageTitle


# Components