# Toasts

A message that appears at the bottom of the interface to provide feedback to a user's action in a non-disruptive manner

# Design Best Practices

Aim To


# Layout & Spacing

# Desktop

# Mobile

# Accessibility Considerations

Avoid using for critical information because:

  • It disappears automatically.
    • The toast by default will show for either 5 seconds or 500ms * word count, whichever is larger.
  • Toast can’t be easily accessed with a keyboard.

Toasts have an implicit role="status" so they will announce themselves to screen readers when they are mounted on the page.

# Animation

The motion characteristics for toasts are included within the component.

When a toast becomes visible, it slides in from the left edge of the screen and then fades out after a delay.

  • Enters: 500ms duration and the cubic easing function, slide left to right
  • Exit: 200ms duration and the cubic leave easing function, fade out

The length of the delay is 5-seconds by default. If a toast's word count is multiplied by 500ms and the total exceeds 5-seconds, that total will become the duration.

# Examples

# Base Toast Component

# Show a Toast

# Show a Toast using the Vue Mixin


# useToaster Composable

The useToaster composable function is available for components built using the composition API.


# ToasterMixin

For components that are built with the options API, there is a ToasterMixin available, which exposes the same methods as the composable.

# SkyToast


# Type Declarations

import { ComputedRef } from '@vue/composition-api'

export interface Toast {
  id: string
  message: string
  autoDismiss: boolean
  onDismiss: null | (() => void)

export interface ToastOptions {
  message: string
  immediate?: boolean
  autoDismiss?: boolean
  onDismiss?: () => void

export interface Toaster {
  showToast: (options: ToastOptions) => string
  dismissToast: (id: string) => void
  toasts: ComputedRef<Toast[]>